Friday, February 21, 2014

P&G Tough Love

P&G released a commercial called "Tough Love", another tribute of their Thank You Mom campaign. First I'd like to start off by saying thank you to P&G for making such a touching and appropriate video. Second I'd like to thank my Momma who made me tougher and stronger.

    This commercial starts off by showing a mother pulling out a wheelchair for her young son and the first words are "You could have protected me." At first I was confused and automatically put my guard up. I'm not sure how familiar y'all are with how people with disabilities are usually shown in America, but it is more often then not it is very disrespectful; portraying us as weak or 'Inspirational (I've previously written about this).
    But as I watched my heart beat faster, I got goosebumps, and I started to tear up. This is the first commercial that I've ever seen that is dedicated solely to the Paralympic games that was made in the US (Coke's commercial included Paralympics but focused more on the regular Olympics). If you take a look at how the Paralympic athletes were shown in the 2012 Paralympic Games in London you would've noticed that there were banners, signs, and tons of press following those athletes around...just like the Olympic athletes. But then you look at America...whose (at least from what I've seen) never made an effort to show us any support. It sickens me when I have to explain what the Paralympics are. I shouldn't have to. Just as the announcer in the opening ceremony in 2012 said "Paralympics mean parallel to the Olympics."
    This commercial  shows people with "disabilities" (still hate saying that word...but OK...) in a light that isn't very popular. It showed us as people with strength and confidence. It showed the reason we've grown into the people that we are today; our mothers and fathers..

Thank you P&G. Thank you for giving us a voice. A stronger voice. A voice that is louder then anything. A voice that wants nothing more then to be heard. Thank you.


The video link-

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