Sunday, November 24, 2013

I Don't Want to Be Your Hero!

"You're such an inspiration."
"You're so brave!"
"Bless your heart!"
"You are my hero, you're such a beautiful girl on the inside!"

It's not that I don't mind 'inspiring you' to go out and donate $10,0000 to a random charity or to run that 10k, it's not that I don't mind making your day better with my 'bravery'. But I don't see my life as being any more "inspiring" then yours. I'm sorry, but my life is BORING. It really is. I like laying on my bed in sweats and eating popcorn while I watch CSI New York. I mean that is the extent of my typical Friday night.

Though, what really gets under my skin is when people say "I'm sorry you have to go through that, but God is going to use that to do AMAZING things in your life! You're a hero/inspiration for so many people going through hard times! You just have to push through it! Persevere!".....gah.

I am a Christian. I believe that God has a plan for me and that my CMT is somehow involved with that plan. That part doesn't bother me. 

The part that bothers me is when they say that like that is going to make me feel any better. That it will make the MD become less painful or that is the answer to every problem I face. As if saying those words will stop the teasing or pity talk.

Personally I didn't sign up to be your 'hero' when I was diagnosed. It isn't my mission in life.

This isn't to say that I don't like to share my story, I love to, and maybe that's why I've become that for people. But understand my friends that I'm not perfect, I'm not anything special compared to other people.

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