Saturday, April 19, 2014

4/19/14 Important Thoughts

Just watched an interview with Robyn Lawley, a "plus" sized model (she's a fantastic blogger too, absolutely adore her!), who has graced the covers of many magazines but is most known for being the covergirl of Vogue Italia's 2011 June issue. Now as I'm watching this interview and she is talking about how she loves her body and the audience is cheering I'm just shocked and disgusted with how "inspirational" this is.
Now that isn't to say that Robyn Lawley herself can't be your inspiration, because she is one of mine. 
It shouldn't be inspirational since it should be something that we feel and understand and realize every day. That we can be more then a size 7 and be beautiful.

Our society has made it so when a women is of normal height and weight and LOVES herself that is SHOCKING. It shouldn't have to come as a surprise that someone is comfortable with who they are and we shouldn't be in awe that a "plus" sized model loves to eat and loves herself and loves to model and is still on the covers of Vogue. It shouldn because we should all respect and love who are we. Society puts too much pressure on everyone to be skinny that when a healthy women isn't a twig but is still beautiful we find that crazy and almost unbelievable. And THAT isn't healthy.
  Robyn Lawley shouldn't be considered a plus sized model when she is 6'2 and is a size 12! That is so sick and so wrong. She is lovely and so strong and so beautiful. She's fierce and no one should have to feel that they need to be "skinny" to be beautiful. I agree what she said in an interview with 'Clique'"I don't think anyone should be called plus-sized,' she adds. "I think it's derogatory to anyone-it's a label.' "I'm a model; I don't think I need 'plus-sized' in front of it."  
    We need more Robyn Lawley's to be covergirls. Not because she is inspirational, but because we are not all sticks. She a healthy women. A strong activist in not being 'plus sized', but being the right weight for your own body.
   And it almost seems hypocritical coming from me; someone who struggles so much with the loving herself in her own skin no matter how many times she is told that she is beautiful, because our minds are filled with the ideals that we are suppose to be perfect and smart and beautiful and be able to juggle so many things at once. I'm probably not the best example of loving myself. And I wonder if I ever will be. But I can try. I'll say it, even though I have a hard time believing myself sometimes, WE DO NOT NEED TO FEEL LIKE TRASH BECAUSE WE DO NOT THE BODY THAT IS DEEMED 'BEAUTIFUL'.
Anyway....those are just my thoughts on this matter.

The lovely Robyn Lawley!

PS: Check out her food blog for some great recipe ideas

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